
While we receive many in-kind donations, monetary donations help to fill in the gaps with providing healthy food and toiletries, not to mention many other services.

If you would like to designate your donation to a specific area, please send an email to

Because of your generosity, we may receive more gifts of a certain kind than we can use in one year.  Should that happen, we will gratefully redesignate your gift to other needs in the ministry for our Sisters. 

Thank you!

To use Venmo or PayPal scan our QR codes. To donate using your debit/credit card please complete the information below.


Best of Lexington 2023 had over 3,200 businesses, organizations and individuals compete for one of the top three spots in each of 221 categories.  During voting, more than 182,000 votes were cast. Natalie's Sisters is pleased to rank second (Silver) in the Nonprofit Organization category.